We believe that Baptism requires a person who already has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ to be fully immersed into water. We believe that submerging a believer in water symbolizes the complete renewal and change in the believer’s life and testifies to the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We believe that babies should not be christened or baptized but rather dedicated to the Lord. At the dedication, the parents and family are charged to raise the child in a Godly manner and our local body pledges to support the parents in doing so. For this reason we do not perform dedications for non-members. Dedications are performed as part of our Sunday morning worship service.

We believe that marriage is the union of a man and a woman who are committed to walking in covenant relationship for their entire lives. The wedding ceremony is considered to be a sacred time of worship and celebration in the sight of God. All plans for the ceremony must be reviewed and approved by CVCC Pastoral Staff in advance.
At CVCC, Pre-marital counseling is a required part of the preparation before entering into marriage. The Pastoral Staff will schedule and determine the duration of this process on an individual basis.
We believe that Funeral Services are to be conducted according to the Biblical Values reflected in our Doctrinal Statement. We stand ready to serve our members and their immediate families (spouse, parents, children, siblings) during their time of loss. All services at CVCC will be officiated and eulogized by CVCC Pastoral Staff who will also assist you in planning the Funeral Service and the repast.
We do not permit Masonic or any other non-biblically based practices or customs at CVCC.

Individual, marital, and family counseling is available at CVCC. We believe that any individual, marital, or family problem that one faces in life can be effectively resolved using the truths and principles that are found in the Bible. Counseling provided at CVCC will be administered in a caring and non-judgmental manner that is in keeping with the character and teachings of Jesus Christ. More information about counseling can be obtained by contacting 610-259-CARE (2273).